The YES Effect podcast

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TYE 142: How to find your truth, tell your story and change someone’s life

Jul 18, 2022
Shelli Varela, storytelling, find your truth, speak your truth, tell your story, female empowerment, storytelling quote

Everyone has something to give to the world. In this episode I’m going to share 3 things about storytelling and finding your truth that will motivate you to share more of your experiences, gifts and earned wisdom to change people’s lives. And I’m also going to explain why so many people get stuck thinking they don’t have a relevant or inspiring enough story to share. It’s actually the ordinary stories that matter more than the extraordinary ones. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • Why many women struggle to tell their story
  • Why the loudest person is rarely the wisest
  • How to find your story
  • How to inspire people using your story and your gifts
  • The meaning of your “original medicine”
  • 3 important facts about storytelling
  • The meaning of reciprocity and how to leverage it




“Nobody cares about the Everest you submitted unless they know about the training and shitty times of waking up at 5am, your fingers are bleeding. That’s where we relate to your story.”


 “It’s almost never the loudest person that is the wisest.”


“Your story is not about you. It’s a bridge of possibility for your audience.”


Links mentioned in this episode:


TYE 131: How to be a better public speaker with Gail Larsen


Book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini


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