TYE 157: The Gift of Imperfection (Why Iā€™ve Been Away From Podcasting) Aug 28, 2023

Today, I want to talk about accepting and embracing the wonderful gift of imperfection. As someone who has struggled with perfectionism, I realize it’s been holding me back from creating...

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TYE 156: Unlocking the Brilliance Inside Challenging Kids with Dayna Abraham Aug 21, 2023

Dayna Abraham has developed a guide for parenting “challenging” kids - those with big emotions, power struggles; the misbehavers and neurodivergents. Her new bestselling book ...

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TYE 155: Focus On The Next Step, Not The Whole Mountain (How I Wrote A Song) Mar 14, 2023

To make a big dream happen, you have to break it into small, individual steps and focus on the next first step. This way, you can make even the wildest, even most absurd, idea a success. This...

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TYE 154: How to overcome perfectionism and embrace the messy steps to success Jan 30, 2023

Perfectionism is a killer of hopes and dreams. The challenge is learning to accept and embrace the messy, imperfect steps necessary to create momentum. It’s how every successful person gets...

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TYE 153: The life-changing power of a small act of kindness Jan 23, 2023

We often never know how far an act of kindness can go or how it can change someone’s day, or their entire life. Here’s a quick story of kindness from a recent trip to the grocery...

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TYE 152: Say What You Need to Say Before Itā€™s Too Late Jan 16, 2023

This holiday season was a difficult one for me, and in this episode, I explain why & what I learned from it. 

In the very days leading up, one of my absolute closest people fell ill and...

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TYE 151: How To Overcome The Fear of Asking Questions (A Personal Story) Jan 13, 2023

At some point we developed this fear of asking questions. For so many people, the thought of potentially hearing “no” is crippling enough to pass up the incredible possibility of...

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TYE 150: How a no-sugar diet can change your life with Netta Gorman Oct 04, 2022

When Netta Gorman stopped eating sugar, it not only changed her life, but also the lives of hundreds of others. She now helps people eliminate sugar through her coaching programs and immensely...

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TYE 149: I wasnā€™t meant to be the prettiest girl in school Sep 22, 2022

Jealousy and comparison can shatter us. But when we focus on others’ success, money, fame, appearance, situation or whatever, we forget the truth - the truth of our own gifts and the true...

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TYE 148: How to build positive company culture by learning about your people and their stories Sep 15, 2022

To build a positive company culture, you first need to show that you care about your people. Sounds like a simple concept, right? 

Then why does so much toxic company culture still...

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TYE 147: How to find your place in the world when you feel lost with Bara Mann Aug 31, 2022

If you’ve struggled with finding your true place in the world, Bara Mann’s story will inspire you. Despite a successful career as an engineer, she always felt out of place. After a...

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TYE 146: The difference between effort and efforting Aug 15, 2022

Sometimes we try so hard to force an outcome, we lose sight of why we were doing it in the first place. The good news: it’s not about lack of effort. It’s just the wrong kind of...

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